Detect Lies Like LIE TO ME! - Scam School-- Thermotron management training--
sure -- get your training at thermotron-- with thomas bannach and
roger cannady and his associates-- as Gregory V Johnson -- bragged that it's ok to lie-- cheat-- steal and rob your co workers and the customer--
Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach-- and they went to each others "church"
Dave Water field -- the roger cannady "replacement" said that the offices that roger cannady and associates -- managed -- stood out "like a sour thumb"
because of the robbery thief and embezzlement-- and Roger cannady -- denied to on "one" single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!
Roger cannady and thomas Bannach -- then libled and slander that Man-- for asking a "question " like that!!
yes After that that MAN was "drumed out" he worked worked at Russles technical Products--
and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment--
Bill Bench was "surprised " that he said that thomas bannach and his gang-- HAD a problem with--
lying cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers
Getting training at thermotron surely seems like improving not only the working condition for all the people but it may also increase quality communication among employees.
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ReplyDeleteJim roulofs national sales deceiver who defrauded 1 sales guy and hired the biggest thief embezzler backstabber on the west coast a church going buddy
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