Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10 signs you work for a bully boss thermotron former employee

10 signs you work for a bully boss thermotron management training

 roger cannady

 thomas bannach,

 Dave waterfield , 

dean tripp, Hil sybesma, 

Dean Tripp, 

daniel J Okeefe, 

thomas Patterson 

Randy herdes,, ron wiley, John tenbrink-- 

if you don't go along with it -- than you have an attitude problem,,, and they will attack you..

at thermotron--- it is ok-- to lie cheat steal defraud miss lead lead astray assanate your character

1 comment:

  1. Hil sybesma said Gregory v Johnson controlled thomas bannach with his little finger.and thomas bannach harnessed and libled all his co workers at thermotron. Well, it worked out for me” doesn’t mean anything. If a thief steals from thermotron and benefits from it without ever receiving temporal punishment and then posts in response to someone that’s talking about the teaching of Scripture or the Church on theft that it worked out for them, that’s not an argument. It’s just flagrant admission to doing something wrong and demonstrates a clear lack of remorse for it.
